Teens and Online Shopping

  • Discussion and Self-Reflection Questions

    • In the video, when asked about online shopping, Ariel admits, “I buy jeans ridiculously. In the morning, when I wake up, I buy jeans.” Do you know anyone who exhibits this type of obsessive shopping behavior?
    • In the video, Todd Mark, who is with the Consumer Credit Counseling Service, says that online, one can continue to shop and shop and not get that “psychological payoff.” What psychological payoff can be provided by shopping? Do you enjoy shopping? Why or why not?
    • In the video, Robyn, an online shopper, offers the advice to go online “with a goal and then leave.” What happens when you go online? What advice might you offer to online shoppers?
    • Whether it’s online or in-store, shopping for gifts can be expensive and beyond one’s budget. Can you think of presents to give during the holiday season or for special occasions that don’t involve much expense, if any at all?
  • Teens and Online Shopping

    Video Overview

    Is it too easy to spend too much money online? This may be an issue for people of all ages, and especially for teens. Consider that online stores are always open. While carrying too many packages through stores and the mall might curtail shopping habits, online shopping does not always feel real. Items may take a week or so to arrive, as you continue to shop and shop. Hear advice from teen shoppers – and other experts.

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